Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's about vampires and shit !

If you are like me and have ventured into the Crimson Halls you were in for a bit of a shock when you got to Lana'thel. At a certain point in time you'll get a buff that allows you to do 100% more damage for 0% threat :O :O When i saw that i must admit my little wizzer went bonkers and the dpswhore in me was awakened once again \o/ (not that it ever died really...)

Now in all seriousness, Lana'thell is one hell of a fun (and imho challenging) encounter, and that's something that has struck me for this entire raid instance. Especially the last two wings have extremely original and fun new aspects.
Take Putricide for example, not only is he a nice reference to Futurama but it's also a very non-standard'ish encounter with lots of thing you can fail on. Blizzard really impressed me with these first 3 wings and that's actually very promising for the Frozen Halls and the Lich King himself, it can be a major letdown because i have high hopes but thusfar they haven't failed to meet my expectations (yet).
While we only had a few attempts on both bosses it still feels like this will take a while until we'll have it down and on farm, which is awesome. Finally, finally there's a raid (on normal mode) which isn't a complete cakewalk and that's something i have been waiting on since the launch of WoTLK. Heroic ToTC is still hard and i'm glad they've put in something a bit challenging but i was really hoping they wouldn't fuck up ICC as it's still something of epic proportions for me. The home of the Lich King, one of the ultimate baddies in the wowuniverse !
Let's be honest, i was a bit worried when i saw the first wing which wasn't exactly challenging to begin with, but that's probably done on purpose so pugs could actually grab some gear from there as well. (and better pugs will no doubt progress through the other wings as well)

So yeah, i'm actually satisfied with this raid up until now so you won't hear me complain :P
Except about frost mages and rogues in pvp, i will complain about those !

1 comment:

by Wyz said...

I lol'ed Nish!
And ye I'd agree you are a whore!