Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pre-expansion burnout

Lately a lot of people quit the game or switched to another game until the new expansion is released and when you ask them why they mostly answer the same thing: "i was bored". Now this is not the first time this happened, just before TBC came out we saw the same thing.
Dailies don't seem to keep the people ingame (duh) and this burnout especially caters to 2 groups of people: On one side you have the casual player who doesn't raid, quest a bit and pvp when they are up for it. They jump ship because the lack of solo content that isn't repeatable, because -let's face it- when you done the dailies a couple times they might get boring quite fast for a lot of people. The other group are the hardcore raiders who are on the bleeding edge and killed everything that needs to be killed. They finished the game so there is nothing they haven't seen yet, so they either roll an alt and enjoy the game that way or pick up other games (especially the recently released Age of Conan is popular with the crowd)

What can be done to cater to this problem ? A very tough question if you ask me as i still enjoy the game and really think there is loads of content to enjoy. My biggest remedy against boredom is just rolling an alt and do some content i haven't done before (be it a new class, new race, new faction or just a new area to quest in), but i do realise not everyone likes to level.
But the biggest remedy is dimming down on your playtime and only do the things you enjoy the most. It's no use to sit idle in Shattrath or any other major city just to log out after 30 minutes realising you haven't done anything besides parading around on your mount and your bag full of epics. If you want to use WoW as an Instant Messenger, be my guest but it's not worth to pay for that as there are enough free alternative to talk to your friends (messenger, googletank, skype,...)
Something you could do is convince a couple of your friends to reroll with you (be it on a different server or just a fresh alt on your main realm) and level on a casual speed while having a blast with your friends.

And if all else fails and you still can't find any fun in the game, just put it down for a while and wait for the next expansion. There are tons of good games to play aside WoW, enjoy them aswel and don't tunnelvision yourself on one game.

-Dave out

1 comment:

Val said...

I totally agree. What I do if I get bored is simply play FF12 or Kingdom Hearts on my PS2. A break from WoW as good as any.